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A member registered Jul 13, 2020

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Thank you!

Hey! Just want to say i'm a big fan and played almost all of your games! I recently bought COB on steam and am trying to install the R18 patch but none of the instructions actually line up with my steam files.

 I've linked pictures to explain.

When I click COB -> Properties -> Local files -> Browse local files, this is what comes up. As you can see, there is no 'game' folder, only the icon to run the actual game. 

I have also gone into my Mac folder for COB but there is no 'Autorun' folder that contains the 'game' folder within the 'Resources' folder. 

As you can see, there is only an icon within the 'resources' folder, no 'autorun' folder. I attempted to place the patch in the folder regardless and it didn't work.

I also attempted to place it within the 'macOS' folder and it also didn't work. If you could advise me what to do and how to install the patch, I would be so so so grateful! 

Thanks for making these amazing games and regardless of the patch working or not, you have a forever fan of your content in me!